Youth Ministry is a group of students in grades 6-12 that meets once per month to learn about their faith, play games, do community service, and have fun! Our events are centered around the big questions of our faith - what we believe, why we believe it, how we should act in society, and more!
Our Rules
1. Be kind - to each other, our space, etc.
2. Listen to the group leader and any volunteers.
3. Absolutely zero bullying, harassment, antisemitism, etc. will be tolerated.
4. Be open-minded!
5. Any infractions of these rules (or others that pertain to specific activities, particularly safety-related) will result in this warning system:
- First Warning: Solo discussion with Allie away from the rest of the group.
- Second Warning: Time out from the activity/event
- Third Warning: Phone call home to parent/guardian
Anything necessary beyond those warnings will result in being removed from the youth group for a minimum of the next three events.