Music Ministry

Adult Choir

The Adult Choir is the primary choir at St. Joan of Arc and ideally features a variety of ages. They usually sing at the 9:00am Sunday liturgy every week from September to Pentecost.  Occasionally, they sing at other weekend masses or for celebrations of Sacramental Programs such as Confirmation and First Communion.

Rehearsals are every Tuesday from 7:00-9:00pm with a call Sunday 8:30am or 10:30am for Mass in Church. Please check the Music Ministry Calendar for the times and dates of rehearsals and masses.

The Adult Choir is volunteer and non-auditioned. We welcome new interest.  The Choir currently averages 25-30 singers. Feel free to ask the Director of Music or any participant in the Music Ministry for further information or to get involved.  You can call 440-247-7183 or email [email protected] to contact the director, Jon Thibo.

Children's Choir

children singing
The Children's Choir is designed for 2nd through 8th grade and includes children from families in the Day School and the Parish/PSR community.

The Children's Choir sings at larger events, such as the 4pm Christmas Eve Mass, Holy Thursday with the Adult Choir, an Easter Mass, First Communion, and Confirmation Mass.  The size of the group varies and tends to be from 35-50 singers.
The group works with a wide variety of musical styles including Life Teen, traditional, and everywhere in between.  
Look for important information in the form of flyers posted under Music Ministry Downloads, PSR e-blast, Day School Parent Bulletin, or announcements at mass or in the classroom regarding opportunities. For further information, please contact the Director of Music or the Director of Religious Education.

Tuesday All School Mass

Student cantors from SJA Day School join us for weekly Tuesday morning mass at 9am during the school year.
If your student is interested in cantoring for Day School Mass, please contact the Director of Music or our Day School Principal, or the SJA Day School Office (440) 247-6530, for further information or to get involved. We meet on Wednesdays after school until 4pm for practice. Permissions Forms are available in the School Office.

Resurrection Choir

The Resurrection Choir consists of those who have mornings free, as funerals are generally scheduled 10:00am, 11:00am, or 12:00pm weekdays and Saturdays. The Resurrection Choir is a wonderful opportunity to aid the grieving in their hour of need with beautiful music.
Members on the Resurrection Choir roster will be contacted by the Director of Music via email at the time a funeral is scheduled and generally meet fifteen minutes prior to the scheduled beginning of the funeral in church. 

Cantor Guild

The Cantor Guild consists of singers from our choirs who have a special gift of leadership. They sing at regularly scheduled weekend liturgies. We welcome potential Cantors. For an audition, contact the Director of Music.

Cantors, please check the Music Ministry Calendar and Liturgy Plan Sheets for your Mass Preparation.

Contact Us

Director of Music
Jon Thibo

Music Ministry Downloads

Liturgy Sheets

St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church

496 East Washington Street
Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44022
P: 440-247-7183
F: 440-247-2327

 email us
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