PSR, HS Theology & Family Religion

Religious Education at SJA

At St. Joan of Arc, we offer two programs for religious education: Parish School of Religion (K through High School) and Family Religion (Grades 3-6). Our programs bring the Catholic faith to children and teens attending public or private schools. Children with special needs are always welcome. Our mission is to have our children/teens learn the Catholic faith in order to live it as vibrant members of the Church. The elementary curriculum uses the Christ Our Life (grades K-6) and Finding God  (grades 7-8) books by Loyola Press. For more information on the HS Theology and Family Religion programs, scroll below.

While children are encouraged to attend religious education throughout their school years, the Cleveland Diocese requires that children have 2 years of religious education preparation to receive First Communion and Confirmation. Therefore, children need to attend 1st and 2nd grade PSR or Catholic Day School to make First Communion in the 2nd grade, and children need to attend 7th and 8th grade PSR or Catholic Day School to make Confirmation in the 8th grade. If your child has missed these required years, please contact Mary Vincenti.

PSR Grades Kindergarten & 1-6

Classes held on Monday 4:30 - 5:30 pm:

2024-2025 School Year   

September 9-16-23-30
October 7-21-28
November 4-11-25
December 2-9-16
January 6-13-27
February 3-10-24
March 10-17
April 7-14-28
May 5

PSR Grades 7 & 8

Classes held on Sunday 10:00 am - 10:55 am:
2024-2025 School Year    
            September 15-22-29
            October       6-20-27             
            November   3-10-17-24                      
            December   8-15      
            January      5-12                                                                                                       
            February     2-9-23*           
            March         2-9*-16*                
            April           6*-13*-27*                      
            May            4*
*Grade 7 only. Last class for Grade 8 is March 2.

PSR/HS Theology Grades 9-12

The SJA High School Theology Program is for teens grades 9-12. Under the direction of Jim Hogan, a certified High School Theology teacher, the students will participate in a 4 year cycle which includes the following themes:
  • What Does it Mean to be Human?
  •  What Does it Mean to be Religious?
  • What Does it Mean to be Christian?
  • What Does it Mean to be Catholic?
Classes are held on Sundays 12:00 - 1:00pm in the School Library:

2024-2025 School Year     

September       8-15-22-29       

October            6-13-20-27

November        3-10-17-24

December        1-8-15

 January          5-12-19

Family Religion Grades 3-6

This program is designed for those families who choose to do catechesis in their home with their children in grades 3 thru 6. We use the Loyola Press Christ Our Life textbook. Families are supported with a suggested schedule, supplemental materials, and two required workshop sessions. The program begins with an introductory meeting in September. Group meetings are held in February and April. It is expected that course work will be completed before June. Those who attend the required sessions and show sufficient accomplishment in the understanding of our faith in both verbal and written work in the text meet the requirements for completion of a full year of religious education.

Families will be contacted with dates.

Contact Us

Director of Religious Education 
Mary Vincenti

PSR/HS Theology Registration 2024-25

Family Religion Registration

To register for the Family Religion Program, please contact our office. 

Sacramental Prep & Registration

For information & to register for sacramental preparation, please visit the following pages:

St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church

496 East Washington Street
Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44022
P: 440-247-7183

 email us
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