Office Information

What can we help you with?

Prayer Request

Please send your prayer requests to [email protected]

Automatic Giving

For your convenience, please consider signing up for Automatic Giving instead of weekly envelopes. For more information download the SJA Automated Giving Form.

Become a Parishioner

If you would like to become a parishioner, please fill out the Parish Registration Form and email or mail it back to the parish office. Someone from the office will be in contact with you soon. Welcome!

Bulletin Submission

If you would like to submitt something to be included in our parish bulletin, please email the Parish Office at least 2 weeks before the weekend of your advertisment. [email protected]

Mass & Prayer Intentions

If you would like to include someone in our Parish Book of Prayer for the Sick or Mass Intentions, please contact us so we can pray for your loved one!

Request a Sponsor/Godparent Certificate

Email or call the parish office to obtain a Sponsor or Godparent Certificate. Please allow for up to 1 week to process your request.

Subscribe to the Parish Email List

SJA sends 1-2 monthly emails reminding you of upcoming events, sharing important news and occasionally sharing resources to grow in your faith. To subscribe, please sign up online with our Mail Chimp form.

Contact Us

Parish Office
Secretarial Staff

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
(closed Noon -1 for lunch) 
Office closed Saturday &  Sunday
**Hours subject to change.**


St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church

496 East Washington Street
Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44022
P: 440-247-7183

 email us
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