Liturgical Ministers

Liturgical Minister Scheduling

Thank you for your part as a liturgical minister! To help make the scheduling process accurate, please keep the following in mind:

  • Liturgical Minister Schedules are published quarterly. They can be viewed online and printed copies  are available in the sacristy. (Phone lists only available in print.)
  • Scheduling requests can be submitted in two ways: 1) Online using the Rotunda Ministry Scheduler (see below) OR 2) Submitting the paper form to the parish office.

  • Rotunda Ministry Scheduler Online
    If you would like to sign up, please email, Karl, the scheduler at [email protected] requesting that you would like to sign up for the Rotunda online schedule.  He will send you a link to the software.  First, you will have to create a user password, and then you will be able to input the specific dates and times that you will not be available to serve. You can utilize the new Rotunda Software System (after creating a new password). Once you are in the system, click on PROFILE to enter your information.

    The system will remind you of your commitments, and if you need a replacement, it gives you a link to secure one.  There is also an app that you can download to your phone, if you would like!

    Altar Servers

    Boys and girls, grades 6 and up are welcome to become altar servers. Serving at the altar is a great privilege and an opportunity to grow in holiness for the server and the server's family. Training sessions are offered which include instruction in the rites and ceremonies of the church, primarily the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. They are encouraged to learn and grow in understanding the meaning and purpose of what they are doing and why. 
    Permission forms are required and training begins in the fall for each year. To become an altar server contact the Parish Office 440-247-7183.

    Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist / Special Ministers of Communion

    Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion share the Bread of Life and the Cup of Eternal Salvation with the people of St. Joan of Arc Church. Parishioners who feel called to this special ministry are encouraged to contact the Pastor, any Parish Ministerial Staff member, or the coordinator, Donna Anderson, [email protected] 440-543-6934. The time commitment involves a diocesan workshop, onsite training at St. Joan of Arc, and scheduled participation at weekend Masses. 

    Greeters & Ushers (Ministers of Hospitality)

    Are you a friendly person who is at home in the church?  Do you have a gift for making other people feel at home?  Perhaps God is calling you to become an usher or greeter at one of our weekend liturgies.  Ushers and greeters are not volunteers; they are ministers of hospitality who help the assembly worship by providing comfort and order to our liturgy.  Greeters must arrive 20 minutes prior to Mass and the commitment is one Mass per month. If you want to use your gifts in service to the people of God at St. Joan of Arc Church, contact the Parish Office: 440-247-7183.


    Our lectors are not volunteers; they are ministers called by God to proclaim the Word. The lector proclaims the Word of the Lord to the congregation at Mass and announces the Prayers of the Faithful when a deacon is not present. The lector prayerfully prepares for the readings by using the Lector Workbook. Responsibilities include attendance at an annual workshop, and advance preparation by becoming familiar with the readings. Time commitment is approximately one Mass per month. If you love the Scriptures and feel you are being called to proclaim the Word of God at our regularly scheduled weekend liturgies, please contact Evelyn Yoe at 440-338-8761. For additional information, download the Lector Guidelines.

    Mass Coordinators

    Mass Coordinators contact the liturgical ministers who are signed up for a particular liturgy with reminders of their commitment. Coordinators must be at the church 15 minutes before the scheduled liturgy. To volunteer contact Nicholas Trudick at 440.632.5200
    Saturday, 4:30 pm Mass: Nicholas Trudick - 440.632.5200
    Sunday, 9:00 am Mass : Agnes Covarrubias - 440.543.4922
    Sunday, 11:00 am Mass: Bob Tropf - 440.338.6489

    Worship Commission

    Parish Worship

    Liturgical ministries of Lectors, Special Ministers of Holy Communion, Altar Servers, ministers of hospitality as well as the Music Ministry (with its choirs and cantors) truly enhance our worship here at St. Joan of Arc.
    To volunteer contact:
    Millie Prebel:

    [email protected]      440.247.1141

    For our music ministry/cantors, Contact:

    [email protected]

    St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church

    496 East Washington Street
    Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44022
    P: 440-247-7183
    F: 440-247-2327

     email us
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